Custom Software Development
Custom Software Development

GPA Calculator

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Sahan Ranasingha
Sahan Ranasingha
  • Residence:
    Sri Lanka
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GPA Calculator

Custom Software Development
  • Status:

📚 GPA Calculator Tool 🎓

My GPA Calculator is a comprehensive tool designed to simplify the process of calculating and tracking academic performance. It encompasses a user-friendly login and registration system, providing a secure platform for users to manage their grades seamlessly.

Key Features:

  • User Authentication: Secure login and registration pages ensure a personalized experience for each user.
  • Intuitive Main Page: The main page acts as the project's hub, featuring four buttons representing each academic year. Users can effortlessly navigate to the desired year and access the corresponding GPA calculation form.
  • Yearly GPA Calculation: Each academic year has its dedicated form where users can input their course grades. A "Calculate GPA" button automates the process, simultaneously storing data in the database and providing the user with an accurate GPA.
  • Final GPA Display: The main page dynamically displays the user's final GPA, offering a quick overview of their academic standing.
  • Technologies Used:

  • Developed using C# for the logic and WinForms for the graphical interface.
  • Utilized a database to store and retrieve user data securely.
  • Learning Moments:

    This project has been a fantastic learning experience, allowing me to enhance my skills in C# development, database management, and user interface design. Overcoming challenges and refining the project iteratively has been both rewarding and educational.

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